Apple to Unveil New Feature to its Watch


Apple has been reportedly in the buzz for a long. The company will introduce a blood pressure monitoring feature. Additionally, this feature will be available to its Watch Series 10. Samsung has already introduced this feature on its Galaxy Watch 6 and Galaxy Watch 5. In addition, with other health suit functionalities.

Blood Pressure Monitoring Feature of Apple


Apple will introduce the blood-pressure monitoring feature to its Apple Watch Series 10. The company has given all signs of the new Apple Watch receiving a blood-pressure monitoring system this fall. The anticipated feature might appear as a part of the hardware. In addition, the other Apple Watch Series might not be able to upgrade to the latest addition to the health suite features.

Comparison with Samsung’s Health Features

Samsung is already offering several health-related functionalities. Also, these features are in its Galaxy Watch 5 and Galaxy Watch 6 series. Additionally, it includes a blood pressure monitoring feature.


It will be interesting to witness what Samsung could unveil next to stay ahead of the curve in the smartphone market. However, Huawei is another major player experimenting with the smartwatch health suits.

Potential Impact of the Feature

The anticipated blood pressure monitoring feature on the Apple Watch Series 10 will help users track changes. In addition, it will detect early signs of diseases like hypertension and heart-related problems. As a result, this reflects Apple’s ongoing efforts to introduce life-saving features through its gadgets.


Health Tracking Plans of Apple

Apple and Google have actively negotiated the use of Gemini to power some of the generative AI features. In addition, it may come to iPhones this year. This could be a groundbreaking deal for Google Gemini. It is due to the fact that the chatbot has landed into several controversies in recent times.

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Closing Note

Apple introduced the blood pressure monitoring feature to its Apple Watch Series 10. In addition, it reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to enhancing the health-related functionalities of its devices. As a result, it will potentially allow users to track and monitor their health more effectively.

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