WhatsApp Unveils New Automatic Albums Feature for Channels


WhatsApp, the popular messaging platform owned by Meta, has recently introduced a noteworthy feature in its latest Beta update version, This update is available through the Google Play Beta Program. In addition, it brings an exciting enhancement to the way users engage with media content in channels.

About the New Feature of WhatsApp

The new feature, called WhatsApp Channels automatic albums, aims to streamline the organization of shared media within channels. With this update, administrators of WhatsApp Channels can now enjoy the convenience of having multiple consecutive photos and videos intelligently grouped into unified albums.


Previously, this automatic album feature was available in WhatsApp chats and groups. However, WhatsApp has now extended its functionality to channels. As a result, it will allow users to conveniently access the entire media collection by simply tapping on the automatic album.

Specification of Automatic Album Feature

One noteworthy inclusion in this update is the support for channel reactions within the shared albums. This addition enhances the interactive experience. Thus, it will enable users to express their thoughts and emotions directly within the context of the media content. Channel owners stand to benefit significantly from this feature, as it elevates the organization of shared media within their channels.


The automatic album feature provides a more streamlined presentation. In addition, it offers a visually pleasing and organized view of conversations. With this enhancement, content navigation becomes simpler, leading to an overall improvement in engagement within channels.

Closing Note

Currently, the automatic album feature is accessible to certain beta testers who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta for Android via the Google Play Store. However, its wider availability to more users is likely in the near future.


WhatsApp’s introduction of automatic albums in channels represents a notable advancement in improving the overall user experience. With this feature, the platform continues to evolve and innovate. Thus, it ensures a seamless and engaging media-sharing experience within their favorite channels.

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