Telegram founder Pavel Durov made an announcement. In addition, he revealed that users can now convert their personal accounts on the chat app into business accounts. However, they need to pay a monthly fee. This new feature allows users to display information, such as location and opening hours. As a result, it will cater to small cafes and shop owners.
Enhanced Business Features of Telegram
In addition to the ability to list business information, the new business accounts offer a range of features. Also, it includes the organization of chats with color labels, automatic greetings, or away messages. Additionally, it has shortcuts for quick replies. Telegram plans to roll out more business features this month. Additionally, it may include the integration of AI-powered chatbots for customer service.
Integration of AI-Powered Chatbots
Telegram Business accounts will soon be able to incorporate chatbots as virtual assistants. Thus, this feature will handle various chats. Leveraging AI technology, these chatbots will revolutionize customer service automation.
Competition of Telegram with WhatsApp Business
Telegram’s strategic move to introduce business features directly competes with WhatsApp Business. The company surpassed 200 million monthly active users last year. Notably, Telegram’s approach involves charging a subscription fee for business features. However, WhatsApp generates revenue based on conversation types and chat frequency.
Telegram’s Business Expansion
Over the past two years, Telegram has been focusing on expanding its business offerings. In addition, the company has added premium subscriptions, self-custodial crypto wallets, and the auctioning of premium usernames. With over 800 million users globally, the chat app is also gearing up to launch its ad platform this month. In addition, it will feature a revenue-sharing program for channels.
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