OpenAI Plans to Unveil a New Online Store Next Week


OpenAI is planning to launch an online store next week. In addition, it will allow people to share custom versions of the company’s popular ChatGPT chatbot. This comes after the company previously delayed the store launch due to the interruption caused by the ousting and reinstatement of Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman in November.

About the Launch of Online Store by OpenAI

OpenAI initially announced the news at its developer conference in November. In addition, users could start building custom versions of ChatGPT without needing to learn any coding. This option allows users to quickly create chatbots for various purposes, such as teaching math to a child or generating cocktail recipes.


The original plan was to launch the store in November. In addition, it will offer users the opportunity to discover customized chatbots from other users. They can earn money from their own creations, similar to Apple Inc.’s App Store operates. However, the company postponed the release of the online store until early 2024.


Implications and Revenue Model

The introduction of the online store for ChatGPT custom versions has several implications. It allows users to share their creations with others, making them available for public download. OpenAI plans to create a revenue model for the store, where creators can potentially earn money based on the usage numbers of their custom chatbots. The company intends to feature the most useful and delightful chatbots in categories like productivity, education, and ‘just for fun.’


OpenAI’s move to monetize ChatGPT and provide a platform for users to share their creations aligns with the company’s goal of generating revenue. In fact, OpenAI projects US$ 1 billion in revenue by 2024. Additionally, the introduction of the online store is likely to contribute to this revenue target.

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OpenAI is planning to launch an online store next week that will allow users to share custom versions of the ChatGPT chatbot. This move comes after the company previously delayed the launch of the store. The store will provide a platform for users to share their creations and potentially earn money based on the usage of their chatbots. OpenAI aims to generate revenue through this initiative and has projected $1 billion in revenue by 2024 .

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