Meta to Unveil New Feature for Users to Share Content


Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is delving into a new feature. In addition, it allows users to share content between Facebook and Threads. Thus, it mirrors Instagram’s existing capability for cross-posting between the two platforms. This move is part of Meta’s efforts to enhance user experience and engagement across its social media platforms.

The company is currently in the testing phase for the ability to share content from Facebook to Threads. However, a spokesperson confirms that the functionality is for iOS devices at the moment. There is no clear indication of when or if this feature will be available to Android users.

User Experience Insights and Balancing Convenience and Individuality

Feedback from Threads users has shed light on the functionality of this feature. For instance, a Threads user reported that their post got shared to both Instagram and Facebook accounts linked to their profile. In addition, the user didn’t find any visible indication for cross-posting the content.


This feature could offer convenience for creators aiming to streamline their posting process across Threads, Instagram, and Facebook. However, it may present challenges for users who prefer to maintain distinct social media profiles. Despite potential concerns, Meta anticipates heightened engagement on Threads and increased content sharing on the platform.

Past Experimentation of Meta

Meta’s exploration of content sharing across its social media platforms is not new. In a previous instance, the company introduced a feature that automatically distributed Threads content to other Meta-owned social networks. In response to user feedback, Meta added an option allowing users to disable automatic sharing by default.


In a separate development, Meta has collaborated with the Misinformation Combat Alliance (MCA) to introduce a specialized fact-checking helpline on WhatsApp in India. This initiative aims to counter AI-generated content, particularly in light of upcoming elections in India and the US this year.

AI Fact-Checking Initiative of Meta

The fact-checking helpline on WhatsApp will launch in March. In addition, it will provide users with a platform to flag deepfakes and other misleading content. Supported by a multilingual WhatsApp chatbot, users can access support in English and three regional languages in India, including Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. 


Meta has underscored its commitment to preventing deceptive AI content from influencing global elections this year. As a result, it emphasizes its dedication to maintaining integrity and trust across its platforms.

Closing Note

In summary, Meta’s foray into enabling content sharing between Facebook and Threads reflects the company’s ongoing efforts to enhance user experience and engagement across its social media platforms. Furthermore, its collaboration with the Misinformation Combat Alliance demonstrates a commitment to combating AI-generated misinformation and ensuring election integrity.

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