LinkedIn to Unveil a New AI-Powered Feature for Premium Users


LinkedIn is introducing a new artificial intelligence-powered feature. In addition, it aims to facilitate interactions between users and their connections by generating icebreaker messages. The design of the feature is to address the challenge of initiating conversations. Additionally, it seeks to make the process less daunting.

About the New Feature of LinkedIn

The new AI-powered feature utilizes information from the sender’s and recipient’s profiles to draft an initial message. Users have the ability to edit the message before sending it. It is important to note that this feature will only be available to LinkedIn Premium users. As a result, it will allow them to start conversations with individuals they are not yet connected to.


The introduction of this feature is due to the recognition that one of the biggest challenges people face with networking is initiating that first conversation. The blank page problem can feel overwhelming. Additionally, LinkedIn aims to alleviate this challenge with the new Premium feature.


LinkedIn has previously released a similar feature for LinkedIn recruiters. Thus, it enables them to send unique and personalized messages to candidates using the power of artificial intelligence.

“Catch Up” Tab and Other Changes

In addition to the icebreaker feature, LinkedIn is also introducing a new “Catch Up” tab. This tab is likely to make it easier for users to start conversations with their connections by providing highlights. In addition, it includes work anniversaries, new job updates, and whether they are looking for a new job or hiring someone. For example, the tab can remind users about their connections’ work anniversaries. Additionally, it can generate an opening line based on that information.


Furthermore, LinkedIn is repositioning several key features within its platform. This new update has moved the connections recommendations feature to a new “Grow” tab. However, it has relocated the connection requests option to the newsletter and events tab.

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Closing Note

These changes aim to enhance the user experience on LinkedIn by streamlining the process of initiating conversations. In addition, it will provide users with relevant information about their connections.

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