YouTube Developed a New Safeguard Feature for Teens


YouTube is going to limit how frequently it recommends videos to minors about sensitive subjects like body image.

About the Safeguard Feature of YouTube

The Google-owned video streaming service revealed on Thursday that it has created extra protections for teen content recommendations. In addition, these protections will target content that compares and idealizes certain physical attributes over others and idealizes particular body weights or fitness levels. Apart from this, it will show social aggression through intimidation and non-contact fights.


Such content can be as harmless as a single video. However, it could be problematic if teens watched them repeatedly, according to the company’s Youth and Families Advisory Committee. Additionally, the committee includes a group of independent experts in child development, digital learning, children’s media, and more from academic, nonprofit, and clinical backgrounds.

Coming in Other Nations Soon!

For American teens, YouTube has already started to restrict repetitive suggestions on particular subjects. The corporation released a statement stating that this will extend to additional nations in the upcoming year.


The announcement of YouTube’s new security measures coincides with increased scrutiny of the practices of social media corporations. This was due to their impact on the mental health of young people.

Closing Note

In October, numerous US states filed lawsuits against Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. In addition, this lawsuits was alleging that the platform’s addictive qualities were a factor in the teenage mental health crisis.

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