X New Blue Check Feature Now Available for Users


In a surprising move, X has announced that it will be awarding free blue checks. In addition, it will be for users with over 2,500 “verified” followers. Additionally, this feature is currently for subscribers to X Premium. This decision has stirred up a mix of reactions, with popular posters being granted the coveted blue check. As a result, it lead to a frenzy of posts from users eager to clarify that they did not purchase the blue check. However, they rather had it bestowed upon them.

Mixed Reactions to the Announcement by X


In response to the new policy, individuals such as former BuzzFeed editor Tom Gara and Business Insider senior correspondent Katie Notopoulos have shared their thoughts. In addition, they expressed reluctance and even humor regarding their newly acquired blue checks. Gara’s tongue-in-cheek announcement about his change in status and Notopoulos’ lighthearted comment shed light on the varied sentiments among users affected by this development.

The Evolution of the Blue Check


In the past, Twitter’s blue check symbolized a user’s influence, serving as a marker of authenticity and credibility. However, with the advent of paid blue checks, the original purpose has been called into question. As we harken back to the early days of Twitter, it becomes evident that the blue check once played a crucial role. In addition, it helped in identifying genuine public figures and curbing the dissemination of misinformation.

The Changing Significance of the Blue Check by X


Previously associated with a desire for importance, access to premium features, protection against impersonation, or even ties to crypto spam bots, the blue check has undergone a transformation. CEO Elon Musk has reinvented the blue check with X’s new approach. As a result it ushers in a new era that blurs the line between authentic and dubious verification. Despite this evolution, distinguishing a “real” blue check from less credible sources remains a challenge in the current landscape.

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