WhatsApp to Roll Out New Update Soon!


WhatsApp is introducing a new update through the Google Play Beta Program, bringing the version up to This update includes a feature that allows users to apply new text formatting tools to their messages. iOS users already had access to these tools with the WhatsApp beta for iOS update. However, Android users do not have access to this update. 

WhatsApp: Enhancing the User Experience

The new text formatting tools help to improve the user experience when sharing messages on WhatsApp. These tools offer users simpler and more effective ways to format their messages. As a result, it will enhance the overall efficiency of communication on the platform. The goal is to provide users with options to enhance the visual and structural aspects of their text messages.


Formatting Tools Available

With the latest update, some beta testers may be able to experiment with the following formatting tools:

  • Code block: This tool will make sharing and reading code in WhatsApp easier. It can help to highlight a specific part of a message. To format text as a code block, users need to include the backtick character (`) before and after the text.
  • Quote block: The quote block tool can help to reply to a specific part of a previous message. Users can format text as a quote block by adding the “>” character before the text.
  • Lists: The list tool allows users to organize information. In order to create an ordered list, users can start their text with “*” “-” or numbers.

Professionalism and Wide User Appeal by WhatsApp

These new formatting tools cater to technical professionals. In addition, it offers benefits to a wide range of users. They provide users with the ability to effectively communicate technical details or complex information with precision, elevating the professionalism of the platform. Additionally, these tools enhance the overall user experience for casual conversations and professional discussions.



The feature to apply new text formatting tools to messages is currently available to some beta testers who have installed the latest version of WhatsApp beta for Android from the Google Play Store. It is likely to roll out to more users over the coming days.


In conclusion, WhatsApp is rolling out a new update that introduces text formatting tools. As a result, it will enhance the user experience when sharing messages. These tools offer users simpler and more effective ways to format their messages, catering to technical professionals and a wide range of users. The feature is currently available to some beta testers. In addition, it will be gradually available to more users in the coming days.

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