Opera Unveils New Opera One R2 Developer Beta with Exciting Features


Opera recently announced the release of Opera One’s second version in developer beta. In addition, it features a host of innovative functionalities, including enhanced multimedia controls, split tabs, and advanced AI capabilities.

Revamped Design and Themes

In an effort to provide users with a fresh and modernized experience, the company is introducing new themes and design elements to Opera One R2.

Enhanced Multimedia Controls by Opera


Traditionally, Opera has positioned multimedia controls on the sidebar. However, the new version offers the option of placing the controls on a floating window, similar to the picture-in-picture video module. These resizable floating controls will seamlessly align with the browser’s theme. In addition, it will offer a range of options such as play/pause, next, previous, pop-out, and volume adjustments.

Innovative Tab Controls

Opera One R2 introduces a unique split tab window feature. Thus, it will allow users to simultaneously work on two web pages. This feature sets Opera apart, as some newer browsers have also integrated similar functionalities into their products.


Improved User Experience

The redesigned version includes a new indicator in the form of an underscore to highlight a recently closed tab. These indicators referred to as traces, will vary in light or dark shades based on the time elapsed since the tab was closed. Thus, it caters to users who manage multiple tabs, specifically those with over 30 tabs open.


Opera AI Integration

Opera’s exploration of AI features, including the development of a sidebar with the “Aria” assistant, AI-powered summarization, and the integration of large language models (LLMs) locally, has been a focal point.


Opera has already introduced features such as image and voice generation, as well as image understanding capabilities through its experimental AI features program. Additionally, the company will integrate it into Opera One R2.

Page Context Mode

The new version introduces a page context mode. As a result, it enables users to engage the Aria assistant to inquire about specific information on a web page. Additionally, it includes finding, translating, or summarizing content.

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Opera Future Release Plans

Opera plans to make Opera One R2 available to a wider user base later this year. As a result, it signals an exciting development for users eager to explore the enhanced features of the new version.

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