Google Bard Gets a New Feature for Users

Google Bard

Google Bard, a competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, has recently introduced a new feature. In addition, it allows it to understand YouTube videos and answer questions about them. This exciting development comes after OpenAI’s ChatGPT added voice features to its mobile apps earlier this week. With the new capabilities of Google Bard, users can now watch YouTube videos. Additionally, users can ask the chatbot questions related to the content.

About the New Feature

The feature is part of Bard Extensions, introduced earlier this year. Bard can collaborate with different Google products. In addition, they can provide answers based on the app-specific knowledge base. This integration allows Bard to process the YouTube audio and video content.

Google Bard

Additionally, it will extract the main points and ideas and understand the overall tone and sentiment. However, it may struggle with videos that contain complex language or rely heavily on visual cues. Further, Bard does not answer questions from videos that contain potentially unsafe content.

So, what can users ask Google Bard about YouTube videos? 

This feature proves useful in scenarios where users need to analyze a lengthy video. However, they lack the time to watch it in its entirety. By simply pasting the video’s URL, users can ask Bard to summarize the video for them. They can also ask contextual questions or inquire about specific aspects of the video. It’s important to note that Bard’s ability to answer such questions depends on the availability of caption files that it can read.

Google Bard

Closing Note

Interestingly, YouTube is also testing a similar feature for its Premium users. These users can ask an AI-powered chatbot questions about videos, seek recommendations, and gain more insights on various topics. However, unlike YouTube’s feature, Google Bard’s capabilities are available to everyone, making it accessible and user-friendly.

Also Read:

With Google Bard’s new YouTube video understanding feature, users can now explore and interact with video content more efficiently and engagingly. Whether it’s for educational purposes, research, or pure entertainment, Bard’s integration with YouTube opens up a world of possibilities for users to delve into the vast sea of online video content.

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