YouTube Unveiled Five New Features


Users of the Premium subscription on YouTube now have access to various additional features. In addition, the feature includes support for co-watching videos on FaceTime using Apple’s SharePlay and higher-quality videos for web and iOS users. It also has additional features for controlling their queue on mobile devices.

About New Features of YouTube

The business will introduce a higher bitrate 1080p HD video quality in the upcoming weeks, starting with iOS (and an experiment coming to the web soon too). Also, it will provide its Premium users with an even better video experience.

While 1080p will still be available to all users, YouTube said in a blog post that “this enhanced 1080p quality level will look exceptionally crisp and clear, especially for videos with plenty of detail and motion.”


The business unveiled a tool that will give customers who prefer to switch between videos more control over their queue.

The business declared: “Today, we’re bringing queueing to phones and tablets for Premium subscribers, giving you full control over what you’re watching.”

Also, the business has improved the “sharing experience” when viewing YouTube videos.

Premium users can host Google Meet sessions that are open to both Premium and free users through Meet Live Sharing on Android devices. They can view YouTube videos together as a result.


The company will also make this experience available to iOS FaceTime users via SharePlay in the upcoming weeks.

The video-sharing website also included a feature that will allow users to return to YouTube on different devices. As a result, Premium subscribers can pick up where they left off with their video viewing. Also, it allows them to resume without any breaks, even if they transfer between devices.

Closing Thought:

As of right now, Android, iOS, and the web all support the feature.

The business also unveiled a feature that will enable consumers to continue using YouTube, even if they are offline.

According to the firm, “With Smart Downloads, we automatically add recommended videos to your library, ready for offline watching. However, users need to connect to Wi-Fi.”

Also Read:

Due to this functionality, users will be able to watch videos whenever and wherever they choose. Nevertheless, it will also automatically find fresh content.

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