YouLian Cloud earned the “Outstanding Contribution of the Year 2022” Award


The Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Technology Association (SAITA) released its list of cutting-edge businesses that will be recognized in 2022. Science & Technology Innovation Awards, Emerging Innovation Awards, and Outstanding Contribution Awards are the categories of enterprise award that SAITA will present in 2022. The recipient of “Outstanding Contribution of the Year 2022” is YouLianCloud Information Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (“YouLianCloud”).

About the Award Winner YouLian Cloud

YouLian Cloud, the market-leading intelligent financial information engine in China, thoroughly cultivates the financial sector and AIGC by focusing on ecological connection. YouLianCloud offers its users intelligent solutions for many scenarios, such as sales, marketing, investment research, and risk control, by fusing natural language processing, big data, and knowledge graph technology.

The team advances its research in the area of financial AIGC with decades of in-depth knowledge of the financial industry and broad insight into the demands. The platform creates intelligent content, including intelligent financial information and intelligent financial films, by integrating natural language processing, knowledge graph, and generative AI technologies. It also addresses the challenges of data collection, finding materials, and ineffective creativity.

Currently, YouLianCloud serves hundreds of major financial institutions and publicly traded organizations with a wide range of digital and intelligent services. It has received recognition as “Most Commercial Cooperation Value Winner of 2022” in the Knowledge Graph sector.

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