WhatsApp Unveil New Offline File Sharing Feature for iOS Users


WhatsApp, the Meta-owned messaging platform, is reportedly working on a new feature. In addition, it will allow users to share files on iOS devices without needing an internet connection. This development is very similar to the functionality of Apple’s AirDrop, providing a convenient way to transfer files.

Development and Testing of WhatsApp Feature

According to a report by WABetaInfo, a WhatsApp features tracker, this feature was previously in testing for Android users. Additionally, it is making its way to iOS through the TestFlight beta program. Thus, it is in the WhatsApp beta for iOS version


Functionality and Process

Users can send videos, photos, documents, and other media directly to nearby devices using WhatsApp. As a result, it will bypass the need for an active internet connection. The process involves generating a QR code that the receiving device scans. However, it differs from the Android version, which relies on detecting nearby devices.

Usefulness and Cross-Platform Support of WhatsApp

This internet-free sharing capability promises to be particularly useful in scenarios where mobile reception is poor or WiFi is unavailable. Thus, it will streamline the process of file transfers during such times. The feature is likely to support cross-platform sharing. As a result, both Android and iOS devices can send files.


Release Date and Impact

This feature is still in its early stages of development. However, there is no confirmed release date. It remains uncertain when it will become available to all users, as development timelines can change. As users eagerly await more details, it will be interesting to observe how this feature integrates into daily usage patterns, especially on iOS, where AirDrop is already a staple. On Android, where similar features like Quick Share are less known, this update might have an even greater impact.

Additional WhatsApp Feature: In-App Message Translation

In addition to the offline file-sharing feature, WhatsApp is experimenting with a feature that enables users to translate messages into different languages directly within the app. This information also comes from WABetaInfo.


The new functionality will perform translations on-device. Thus, it will ensure that the data remains local. Possibly, this feature will use Google’s live translation technology.

Also Read: https://thecitizenscoop.com/x-is-introducing-new-link-disabling-feature/

These developments showcase WhatsApp’s ongoing efforts to enhance user experience. In addition, it will provide innovative features for its global user base.

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