WhatsApp to Unveil New Voice Chat Feature in Meta AI


WhatsApp is developing a new feature. In addition, it will enable users to engage in real-time voice conversations with the chatbot. This feature aims to enhance the functionality of Meta AI’s voice. In addition, it is likely to introduce a new dimension to user interactions.

About the WhatsApp Voice Chat Feature

The report indicates that the new Meta AI voice chat mode is developing. Additionally, WhatsApp beta for iOS version identified this new feature. Users are likely to have the option to select the Meta AI voice from a predefined set of default choices to engage in conversations and respond to user queries.


However, there will be no default voice chat mode. Users will have the freedom to halt the voice conversation at any point. Moreover, they will receive confirmation when Meta AI ceases to listen to their queries, as indicated by the privacy indicator on iOS. In addition, it signals the microphone’s usage.

Enhanced User Control


The company is reportedly working on another feature to empower users to control Meta AI’s voice. In addition, it will provide them with a more interactive experience. This functionality will enable users to activate captions and transcripts for Meta AI. As a result, it will allow the conversion of speech to text during voice conversations with the AI chatbot.


Interactive Experience for WhatsApp Users

Users will have the option to configure Meta AI’s voice output from two primary choices: Brief and Full. In Full mode, Meta AI is likely to furnish detailed and comprehensive responses. It is particularly suitable for complex queries or for obtaining extensive information. On the other hand, the Brief mode will offer concise and direct answers. In addition, it will cater to users who prefer succinct interactions and do not wish to engage in lengthy conversations.

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These developments signify a notable advancement in the realm of conversational AI. Additionally, it will offer users a more versatile and tailored interaction experience within the WhatsApp platform.

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