WhatsApp to Roll Out New Security Feature for Calls


WhatsApp regularly updates as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance customer privacy. In the most recent development, WhatsApp is adding a new security feature called “Protect IP address in calls” to its beta releases for both Android and iOS.

About the New Feature of WhatsApp

Enhancing security when making calls over WhatsApp is the purpose of the “Protect IP address in calls” function. Its major goal is to protect users from potential dangers, including eavesdropping on their calls and unauthorized access to their location.


The most current WhatsApp beta releases for Android and iOS allow access to the feature right now. WhatsApp will redirect the calls through its server to protect users’ IP addresses. 

How will it work?

Users may discover the new toggle inside the “Privacy” settings under the “Advanced” section to enable this extra security precaution. With this feature turned on, WhatsApp promises that all calls will get protected by end-to-end encryption. Thus, it will prevent WhatsApp from viewing the content of users’ conversations.


WhatsApp recognizes that while increasing privacy, this feature may also have a small negative impact on call quality. This is mainly due to the encryption and routing steps required to relay calls through WhatsApp’s servers.

Currently, a select set of users using the app’s beta version may have access to this feature. Nevertheless, WhatsApp plans to make itself accessible to all users in the future. However, a precise release date for the stable version is still pending confirmation.

Closing Note

Only a select group of beta testers, with the most recent WhatsApp beta versions loaded on their Android or iOS devices, have access to this feature. However, a larger user base is likely to have access to the service in the coming weeks. Thanks to this most recent change to the app’s privacy settings, WhatsApp users should expect a higher level of anonymity when placing calls.

Meanwhile, during the past few months, the messaging service has added several new features, such as WhatsApp Channels. As a result, it lets users follow the influencers and celebrities they want to.

Also Read: https://thecitizenscoop.com/threads-to-unveil-a-new-long-time-awaited-feature/

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