Twitter Blue Now Available in more than 20 Countries in Europe


More than 20 new European nations can now access Twitter Blue, the subscription service offered by the social media platform Twitter. These nations include Finland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania,  Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, Luxembourg, Croatia, Malta, and Cyprus. They also include the Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Belgium, Sweden, Romania, and the Netherlands.

With this growth, the social network’s subscription service is now accessible in more than 35 nations worldwide. In Dec 2022, Elon Musk launched Twitter Blue at a pricing range of US$ 8 per month with the Blue verification mark for paying users.


Eventually, the company added capabilities like the ability to submit films up to 60 minutes long and tweets with a character limit of 4,000. A thread reader, bookmark folders, and the ability to modify tweets are further legacy aspects of the concept.

Earlier in January, Twitter introduced an annual plan for $84 per year in an effort to increase customers. Twitter recently introduced the yearly package, which costs US$ 114, on iOS and Android.

Musk has been counting on subscription plans to generate a lot of revenue, but the early signs aren’t promising. As per the estimations and statistics, the new Twitter Blue service only has fewer than 300,000 customers,

Early last week, a lot of users experienced issues using Twitter’s searches, timelines, and direct messages. These problems emerged following the most recent round of job cuts, in which Musk reportedly let go of more than 200 employees.

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