Threads May Unveil New Feature Like Its Rival Twitter


Threads may add a new feature that mirrors Twitter’s Direct Messaging (DM). Users will be able to privately chat with one another on the same platform due to this functionality. 

About the New Feature by Threads

Adam Mosseri, the CEO of Instagram, initially said that this capability may not be available to Threads anytime soon. DMs may be “coming soon” to Threads, according to a leaked internal letter from Instagram that Business Insider has published.


The memo also made mention of Threads getting more features. Social media analyst Matt Navarra, who posted a section of the document on Twitter, supported this news. According to the article, the corporation has not yet provided a firm release date for these functionalities on the platform.

How will it help users?

Consumers can have private talks about delicate subjects they’d rather not discuss in public due to the advent of DMs on Threads. Users of Threads previously had to resort to other apps for these private conversations. Users don’t seem to be using Meta’s other products, like Messenger or Instagram, to satisfy this desire.


Closing Note

The next crucial step for Threads, according to Zuckerberg, is to make sure that millions of users continue to interact with the network daily. While conceding that it will take time for things to normalize, he emphasized the necessity of enhancing the fundamentals and user retention. After establishing these fundamental elements, attention will turn to expanding the community.

Apple App Store and the Google Play Store offer the Threads app. Users can share posts up to 500 characters long with links, images, and 5-minute long videos. 

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