Threads Latest Update Now Supports All Languages


Threads, Instagram’s rival to Twitter/X, is stepping up its game by expanding its keyword search feature to all markets. Initially tested in English-speaking countries, this feature now supports most other English and Spanish-speaking countries. According to Instagram head Adam Mosseri, keyword searches will now be available in all languages. Thus, it will make the app more useful to a broader, global audience.


About the New Feature of Threads

This expansion comes at an opportune time, as Threads is reportedly nearing its launch in the EU. The app may debut in the EU as early as next month. In addition, there are even rumors of a view-only mode. Additionally, it will allow users to read posts without creating an account. Offering search capabilities to EU users is vital since the region is linguistically diverse. However, it would also enhance the app’s usefulness in the 100+ countries. Thus, it will extend beyond its original focus on the U.S.


The Threads team responds to user feedback and rapidly improves the app with new features. These include a chronological following feed, a web app, the ability to view likes, polls, GIFs, hashtag support, an edit button, profile switching, and more. The company has also promised a developer API and plans to integrate it with ActivityPub. In addition, it is a decentralized social networking protocol used by other platforms like Mastodon.


Closing Note

Despite these updates, Threads has not yet incorporated one key feature that sets Twitter/X apart: Trending Topics. While this feature is reportedly in development, Threads seems to be positioning itself as a less real-time version of Twitter/X. Its algorithmic feed often displays posts from days ago.

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In addition, Mosseri has explicitly stated that the app does not aim to amplify news, differentiating it from Twitter/X’s focus on breaking news. However, many former Twitter/X users are flocking to Threads, which may ultimately influence the app’s future direction.

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