Telegram is rolling out several upgrades as part of its January feature drop. These upgrades include the introduction of “view-once” video and audio messages. In addition, it has the ability to pause recording while sending a video or audio message and new read-time controls.
View-Once Video and Audio Messages Feature of Telegram
Telegram initially introduced “view-once” photos and videos in one-on-one chats in September 2023. Now, the company is extending this feature to voice and video messages. Users can start recording by tapping the mic icon and then tapping on the “view-once” icon. Thus, it will allow the recipient to hear the voice message or view the video message just once.
Pause and Resume Recording
Telegram is also rolling out the ability to pause and resume recording for voice and video messages. Users can access this feature through the same menu.
Read-Time Controls Feature of Telegram
Telegram is adding a feature that allows users to see when the recipient reads their message in one-on-one private chats. However, users have the option to turn this feature off in the settings.
New Features for Paid Users
Telegram is introducing new features for paid users as well. Premium users can now hide their read time. However, they can still view someone else’s read time if it is shared publicly. Additionally, paid users can choose who can send them messages first, selecting either “Everyone” or “My Contacts and Premium User.”
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Previous Updates of Telegram
In the previous month, Telegram launched new features for better channel discovery and customization. In addition, it introduced improved calls with end-to-end encryption protection that consumes less battery. Furthermore, the company updated its bot platform. As a result, it will allow bots to react to messages and manage reactions and quotes. Additionally, it can link and send replies to other chats or topics.