Spotify Introduces New Spanish-Language AI DJ


Spotify has expanded its AI DJ feature to include a Spanish-language version. Thus, this marks the first time the popular personalized song selection guide is available in a language other than English. This move follows earlier reports of the feature’s development. In addition, it is a significant step for Spotify’s efforts to cater to its diverse user base.

Voices Behind the Spotify Spanish DJ


Spanish-language DJ Livi Quiroz Roa, a senior music editor at Spotify in Mexico City, is similar to the original AI DJ X. In addition, Spotify employee Xavier “X” Jernigan voiced the language. Additionally, the company selected Roa’s voice after an extensive casting call, during which Spotify found that her voice resonated the most with listeners. This choice aims to provide a relatable and friendly experience for users seeking music recommendations.

Purpose and Technology


Spotify’s AI DJ is a smart audio guide. In addition, it introduces music using a convincingly realistic voice. As a result, it aims to increase music consumption on its platform. The feature utilizes technologies from OpenAI and Sonantic, an AI voice platform acquired by Spotify in 2022. DJ X and “Livi” provide a personalized experience, using slang terms and expressions that mimic the personalities of the individuals they are based on.

Availability and Expansion of Spotify DJ


The AI DJ has seen significant growth in usage, with an increase of over 200% in the last year, indicating its popularity among Spotify users. The Spanish-language AI DJ will be initially available to Premium listeners in markets where DJ X is available. Additionally, it will be available in other markets across Latin America, including Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and more. “Livi” is currently in a “beta” test phase, allowing Spotify to gather feedback and refine the user experience.

Accessing the Feature


To access “Livi,” Spotify Premium subscribers can do so from the Search tab on the app. By searching for the term “DJ” and pressing play, users can begin using the Spanish-language AI DJ. Additionally, users can easily switch between English and Spanish languages by tapping the three-dot menu within the DJ card and selecting their preferred language.

Also Read:

Spotify’s expansion of the AI DJ feature to include a Spanish-language version demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing a personalized and inclusive music experience for its diverse user base.

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