Prediabetes Common Signs and Symptoms


A person with prediabetes has blood sugar levels that are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Almost 9% of Americans, as per the CDC, have diabetes. With 1.5 million Americans receiving a diabetes diagnosis each year, this disease is growing more and more widespread. High blood sugar can cause dangerous side effects, including heart failure and stroke. People can control diabetes by having a regular, healthy life and with prescription medicine, food, and exercise.

The five common signs and symptoms of prediabetes are:

Always Exhausted


One of the potential medical causes of constant fatigue could be borderline diabetes. According to Diabetes Australia, if people are one of the 2 million Australians with prediabetes, they could discover that they don’t feel up to their usual level of exercise. According to a study published in 2012 in Diabetes Educator, blood sugar swings can lead to exhaustion. In addition, other conditions that frequently coexist with blood sugar issues, such as depression or obesity, may also be to blame.

Blurry Vision


Not being able to see properly is one of the obvious indicators that people have high blood sugar. High blood sugar harms the blood vessels in the eyes, which can leak, bulge and alter vision. This disorder is known as diabetic eye disease. According to the National Eye Institute, diabetic retinopathy, a form of eye damage, is the main cause of adult blindness and the primary cause of visual loss in people with diabetes. As per the research by The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), 8% of patients with prediabetes had diabetic retinopathy. Early detection is key, so mention hazy vision to the doctor as soon as people become aware of it.

Always Hungry

When people have prediabetes, their body doesn’t absorb blood sugar as well, so each snack or meal doesn’t provide them with as much energy as it formerly did. They consequently frequently experience unusual hunger and a desire for more food. The brain signals them to eat more in order to ingest more foods that are high in energy, but if their cells are unable to use that energy, they will still feel hungry even after eating a lot of food.

Family History of Prediabetes

People’s family’s medical history is one of the medical facts they should be aware of. The occurrence of type 2 diabetes may have a hereditary basis due to specific gene alterations. Due to the presence of specific genes that have been passed down from one generation to the next, some persons may have a hereditary predisposition to developing type 2 diabetes.

As per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, having a family history of diabetes increases your risk of developing the condition.

Elevated A1C Blood Test


The A1C blood test sometimes called an HbA1c test, or a hemoglobin A1C test is a common blood test that gauges the blood sugar levels over the previous three months. The test is often used to track the chance of developing prediabetes.

An A1C test yields results that are expressed as percentages. The blood sugar levels have been higher during the past 90 days, as shown by the highest percentage.

  • Typical: 5.7% or below
  • 5.7% to 6.4% have prediabetes.
  • Diabetes: more than 6.5%

The Prevention of Prediabetes


Healthy lifestyle choices are the most effective strategy to reverse prediabetes. Start moving and create a daily exercise regimen, as this can assist the body in better utilizing blood sugar and can help people reverse prediabetes. After that, choose nutritious foods for each of the three meals and snacks. The A1C levels might start dropping soon.

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