Powerful Medical Announced the Launch of PMcardio in the UK


Powerful Medical announced a release of an innovative clinical assistant powered by artificial intelligence called PMcardio in the UK. Healthcare professionals are now able to identify and treat 38 cardiovascular disorders from an ECG with the same accuracy as a certified cardiologist due to a novel medical technology in the shape of a smartphone application.

PMcardio: A game changer

One in four deaths in the UK is due to heart disease, which is also thought to afflict 7 million people yearly. According to Dr. Robert Herman, Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder of Powerful Medical, “PMcardio is a game-changer in the fight against cardiovascular illness, allowing us to detect and treat these diseases faster and more accurately than ever before.

How will PMcardio help healthcare professionals?

Healthcare workers may quickly and accurately manage cardiovascular patients with the AI-powered clinical assistant, which can quickly interpret any 12-lead ECG. By combining data from millions of previously scanned ECG recordings, PMcardio uses AI algorithms to generate individualized therapy suggestions that are specific to each patient.


“PMcardio brings significant benefits to UK health professionals, the NHS, and the entire healthcare system, including the reduction of ischemic time, limiting incorrect referrals from primary to secondary care, and essentially unburdening of doctors,” says Martin Herman, CEO and Co-Founder of Powerful Medical.

In terms of emergency, primary, and hospital care, PMcardio sets new standards thanks to its 5x better arrhythmia detection and 8x better heart attack diagnosis (2). As a result, it is a crucial tool for medical facilities and healthcare workers.

The cutting-edge medical remedy is readily available as a smartphone application and works with all common ECG formats. When used at the initial point of contact, PMcardio improves the abilities of primary care doctors in their role as the first line of defense for specialized care. It enables prompt and accurate referrals to secondary care by accurately identifying high-risk patients, freeing cardiologists to concentrate on the patients who most urgently require their expertise.


The state-of-the-art AI tool is also revolutionary for emergency care because it reliably identifies acute heart attacks, cuts down on ischemia time, and averts needless loss of life. By enabling personnel to correctly interpret ECGs and work across departments to improve patient management, the incorporation of such technology simplifies hospital workflows.

The top cardiologists in the world have confidence in the EU MDR-certified Class IIb medical device registered with the UK’s MHRA.

According to Prof. Dr. Robert Hatala, Ph.D., Head of the Arrhythmia and Pacing Department at the Slovak National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, “Physicians who are open to new technologies like PMcardio and ready to unleash their potential will be in a huge advantage compared to those who will remain reluctant to artificial intelligence.

Powerful Medical is eager to introduce PMcardio in the UK and other European nations in the not-too-distant future. The company is on a mission to transform healthcare with AI and save the lives of cardiovascular patients.

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