LinkedIn Unveils Its New Tool for Ad Copies


LinkedIn has released a tool to recommend various versions of an advertisement. According to the business, it combines information from a marketer’s LinkedIn page and Campaign Manager settings, such as audience, targeting criteria, and objective. In addition, it offers various introduction texts for the advertisement. Unsurprisingly, LinkedIn is using OpenAI models, a Microsoft affiliate, to generate various ideas for copies.

About the New Tool of LinkedIn

Copywriting advice is straightforward and easy to follow. Marketers can enter their material in the Campaign Manager’s “introductory text” field. They must enable the “Generate copy suggestions” toggle in order to receive different suggestions for that text.


Currently, in testing, the feature is accessible to some North American clients. In the upcoming months, the business wants to expand the feature’s functionality, add support for more languages, and roll it out to new regions.

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Closing Note

“We understand that you’re under pressure to accomplish more with fewer resources while generating profit for your business. Abhishek Shrivastava, VP of Product at LinkedIn, wrote in a blog post that AI Copy Suggestions.” In addition, it can help jumpstart your creativity and reduce the time spend on your day-to-day tasks so that you can continue to focus on what matters. Thus, it will continue to produce memorable campaigns and build your brand.”


Big tech marketing solutions are increasing, including generative AI for advertisements. Meta introduced its portfolio of initiatives in May to assist marketers with copywriting, background creation, and image cropping. A few weeks later, Google unveiled a brand-new product studio that enables brands to produce graphics using generative AI. The business is also transforming and adapting adverts to search results using AI.

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