LinkedIn is Set to Bring New Verification Feature


LinkedIn is now adding verification to job postings after debuting its verification tools last month. The business will now start presenting information validated about a job poster and their business in connection with a job post.

About the Feature of LinkedIn

Verifications on job posts indicate that the information is accurate by the employer, LinkedIn, or one of its partners.

Clear, a secure identity platform will display the information. This will work if the poster has verified their work email, workplace, or government ID.


It will also indicate whether an official company page has posted the job post.

The company stated in a blog post that it was “showing these verifications to help users feel confident in their search. In addition, it will allow recruiters to build trust with potential candidates.”


“Verifications on job postings are just beginning to roll out. In addition, the company said, as we widen access to our free verification tools, users will see even more across the jobs they are exploring.”

Closing Note

LinkedIn unveiled new methods to confirm users’ identity and place of employment last month. LinkedIn’s new verification procedures do not involve paid subscriptions or blue checkmarks.


At the time, LinkedIn stated that its verification tools is free to use since it thought verification should be accessible to everyone.

Also Read:

LinkedIn is chosen to keep its verification features narrowly focused on validating users’ identities.

The company combined verification with additional features. This is to offer an additional layer of protection against phony or fraudulent accounts.

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