Instagram to Unveil a New Text-Based App


Instagram, a parent company of Meta, is developing text-based software. In addition, it will directly compete with Twitter. According to reports, the corporation is testing this initiative with influencers and celebrities. In fact, according to an insider, the software has been secretly available to a few producers for a few months.

About the New App of Instagram

The new app is independent of Instagram. However, the possibility to link accounts is likely to arrive as early as June, according to Lia Haberman. Lia a social and influencer marketing instructor at UCLA, posted a draft screenshot of the app description. In addition, according to Haberman’s screenshot, future plans call for the app to be interoperable with Mastodon and other Twitter rival apps.


People will be able to publish photographs and videos. In addition, they can share text updates of up to 500 characters, according to Haberman. 

How will the app benefit users?

The app offers benefits to users’ direct interaction with their peers and audience. Instagram will easily integrate with the site. Thus, it will make it simple for users to connect with their existing followers. Additionally, it will stress the security and safety of its users and be interoperable with other programs like Mastodon, broadening its accessibility.


Safety and Security of Instagram App

Regarding security, the app guarantees a consistent user experience by transferring the list of blocked accounts from Instagram.


In order to promote a safe and genuine atmosphere, the app will also impose the same Community Guidelines that Instagram’s parent company, Meta, applies to its other apps.

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Closing Note

This software distinguishes out because it prioritizes inclusion, unlike Twitter. The app’s compatibility with other platforms, such as Mastodon, which is a rival, is promoted by Meta. Due to this interoperability, users may broaden their reach by searching for, following, and engaging with profiles and content across various platforms.

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