Google Announced a New Feature for Google Search


Google announced an additional tool for consumers to confirm content on Google Search. In addition to enhancing some of its current features, such as “About this result,” the search engine giant is introducing new ones named “Perspectives” and “About this author.”

Under Top Stories, a carousel called “Perspectives” will provide insights from various journalists and subject matter experts. Additionally, other pertinent perspectives on the subject users are looking for. 

About the New Feature

The purpose of the function is to provide users with a range of viewpoints on a news topic. This will deepen their comprehension of the material. According to Google, the carousel will soon be made available on desktop and mobile in English in the United States.

Also, Google is introducing a brand-new tool called “About this author.” Further, it will enable users to quickly discover more about the authors of the content they are reading. 

Users will be able to learn more about the writers that Google surfaces on Search due to this new feature. 

Google Search

The function is live on the English-language Perspectives carousel in the United States. In addition, the global English-language Search results.

In 2021, Google introduced the “About this Author” function in English. Additionally, the “About this author” feature is an expansion of that feature. 

In the upcoming days, the business will roll out the “About this result” feature internationally in every language for which Search is available. 

Also Read:

All users will now notice three dots next to the majority of Google Search results. Users may learn more about the information’s source and how Google’s algorithms thought it would be helpful for their query by tapping the three dots.

Google also said that, as of right now, it will make it simpler for users to use the “About this page” function.

How will the Google search work?

The business wrote in a blog post: “When users click on the three dots next to a result, they can gain additional information about the source. In addition, the topic of a certain website.”

Google Search

“At this time, we’re making it even simpler to get this information. Let’s say you’re looking for a group to conserve the rainforest. Currently, when a user types an organization’s Website into Google Search, the About this page’s information will automatically fill at the top of the search results page.

Users may immediately read the website’s self-description, other people’s comments about it online, and any recent media coverage.

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