Coach Introduces a New Sub-Brand


Coach, a high-end fashion company, has introduced a new sub-brand. In addition, this will emphasize “circular craft and collaborative creativity,” according to Coach.

The brand, dubbed “Coachtopia,” has its own Made Circular design philosophy. The brand focuses on three principles that guide how it creates, makes, and reuses items.

Coach stated in a release that the idea aims to reinvent the product lifecycle. In addition, its focus is to limit the production of new materials by utilizing trash. It also aims to create items that can reimagine and recycle.


In addition to adhering to this philosophy, Coachtopia seeks to close the gap between brand and consumer through co-creation. To this end, it intends to put into place cooperative programs that will highlight fresh talent. In addition, it will involve Gen Z customers in the production process.

Josh Silverstein, the new leader of Coachtopia and SVP of global marketing, creativity, and sustainability at Coach, described the company as “an agile start-up” and “discovery lab” that takes a “more open-source approach to creativity” in a press release.


“We’re building [Coachtopia] not just for our consumers, but with them,” Silverstein continued. “We’re inviting a growing community of hundreds of Gen Z individuals to join us on our Slack channel. In addition, collaborate with us on products, take center stage in our content and campaigns – and reimagine our future together.”

Coach debuts a genderless collection in the US, Canada, and the UK

The company has unveiled an all-gender range of footwear and ready-to-wear accessories. The collection material can be recycled, repurposed, and renewable.

Coach stated that it intends to keep inventing throughout the course of its existence by releasing a few “experimental” products that “push circular craft even further.”


Thus, making the extra commitment to take back each product at the end of its useful life for reuse, remake, or recycling.

Each item sold by Coachtopia also has a digital passport. In addition, buyers can access using an integrated NFC chip to learn more about the components and effects of the product.

Closing Note

The brand is available in the US, Canada, and the UK on Coach’s online store. It has also been incorporated into Selfridges’ Worn Again program. Later this year, the idea will introduce in a few Coach stores, other sites around the US, and in Asia.

Also Read:

Coachtopia advances the initiatives of Coach as a whole. In addition, it has recently made several investments to increase the overall sustainability of its business. Due to this, the Tapestry-owned business has introduced and grown programs like Coach (Re)Loved. In addition, it aims to reuse and rehome previously owned Coach products.

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