Biden Alerts of Possible AI Technology Threats


At a conference of advisers on the rapidly developed artificial intelligence industry on 4th April 2023, President Joe Biden warned that it is yet unclear whether AI constitutes a threat to society.

It “remains to be seen. It might read, “When reporters question whether AI is harmful, Biden responded.

AI might aid in the fight against “tough challenges like disease and climate change,” according to Biden.

He spoke to his White House Council on Science and Technology, which had specialists from research universities and business.


He added the potential hazards to our culture, economy, and national security needed to address.

He asserted that “tech businesses are responsible for ensuring the products are secure.”

“We observe the influence on mental health and self-image in the absence of precautions.”

Biden repeated his past calls for Congress to enact regulations imposing “tight controls” on the personal information gathered by digital corporations. In addition, outlawing advertising aimed at children.


The rising AI industry, which is altering the power of machines to do everything from writing emails for people to driving their cars, is led by US corporations.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, and Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, joined more than a thousand signatories in a letter last month calling for a halt to the development of artificial intelligence.

Also Read:

The open letter “Stop Huge AI Projects” stated that “AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose substantial hazards to society and humanity.”

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