Apple Unveils New Features for iOS 17


Apple made the first public beta versions of iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma available. The business included new capabilities with new updates. In addition, it includes full-page screenshots, bilingual Siri, and improved SMS sorting for dual-SIM users.

About the new feature by Apple

The Cupertino-based business has expanded Siri’s bilingual query functionality, beginning with a few Indic languages. As a result, users can mix Hindi and English in their Siri requests. Users can also blend English with Marathi, Kannada, Punjabi, or Telegu. 

Apple is behind the curve. Since Amazon launched multilingual support in 2019, and Google Assistant received multilingual support in 2018. Due to the fact that people in India speak a variety of languages on a daily basis, this is very helpful to them.

The full-page screenshot option that Android phones have long offered through “Scrolling screenshots.” However, Apple had added to iOS 17. This can save by users as a PDF file or an image.


Users are enjoying greater dual-SIM support. In addition, they can sort per-SIM messages, and distinct ringtones for each SIM. Additionally, they get the option to select a SIM when calling back an unknown number, 

In conjunction with these updates for Indian consumers across platforms, the company also revealed the following enhancements:

Support for Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam transliteration is available on iOS. Apple currently supports ten Indian languages as a result of this expansion.

On iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS Sonoma, users can sign into Apple ID using their phone number rather than their email address.

The update also includes a new integrated Punjabi dictionary to access word and phrase definitions across platforms.

In the call history section, users will be able to view up to 2,000 calls, including Facetime and WhatsApp talks.


Messages can filter on an iPad by known and unknown senders.

Closing Note

Later this fall, Apple will roll out stable versions of iOS 17, iPad 17, and macOS Sonoma. Users can wait until the final public release if they don’t want to install the current beta versions on their primary device. However, they will likely have some issues.

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