Apple to Roll its New Foldable iPad Soon!


Apple may soon enter the foldable gadget industry, something it has traditionally avoided. Early reports in the media, largely influenced by the viewpoints of renowned analysts, focused on the possibility of Apple developing a foldable iPad rather than a folding iPhone. However, it now appears that there is mounting evidence to corroborate this assertion. 

iPad to Come in 2024

According to a recent source, a foldable iPad will go into production in the upcoming year. In addition, they might even be available during that period.


The company has not yet submitted its design for this project. However, Apple is aiming to make a name for itself in the foldable gadget industry. According to the insider, Apple will first investigate using this technology in bigger devices like the iPad before expanding it to iPhones.

The Goal of Apple: Effective Production

Apple’s main goal is to achieve cost-effective production by using a simpler design strategy. The publication’s source also claims that the similarities between iPadOS and the iOS operating system used in iPhones. In addition, it will have an impact on Apple’s choice to give the iPad priority over the iPhone. 


The iPad generates less money than the essential iPhone product. Additionally, a factor driving Apple’s decision to introduce its foldable technology with the iPad is the risks involved.

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Closing Note

According to reports, Apple has distributed the Release Candidate (RC) copies of iOS 17.1 to developers and the general public for testing. The newest version of the iOS, version 17, was made available to customers last month.


Additionally, it includes new features like Live Voicemail, Contact Posters, and the Journal app. Even though the launch went smoothly, some iPhone 15 customers first experienced issues with their phones becoming excessively hot. However, the company resolved the problem with an iOS 17 upgrade.

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