Google Search Generative AI Features Now Available for Teens


Google announced that it is offering up its generative AI search experience to teens. This upgrade will assist in training the AI model, powering the search experience to recognize false or offensive inquiries. The business is also adding a new feature to provide context to the material that users see.

About the AI Feature of Google Search

The AI-powered search experience, or SGE (Search Generative Experience), adds a conversational mode to Google Search. Thus, the user can naturally dialogue with Google about a subject.


Teens in the United States between the ages of 13 and 17 who have a Google Account can sign up for Search Labs this week. In addition, they can use the AI search experience on the Google app or Chrome desktop.

How will it work?

Hema Budaraju, senior director of product management at Google, stated in a blog post that “generative AI can help younger people ask questions that they couldn’t typically get answered by a search engine and pose follow-up questions to help them dig deeper.” 


We want to strike the correct balance when introducing this new technology to teenagers. Thus, they can take advantage of the offer while prioritizing safety and addressing their developmental requirements. We’ve incorporated extra safety measures into the experience after consulting with researchers and specialists in teen development.


Google says that after the launch of SGE, it has discovered that the experience is popular among younger users. Therefore, the expansion to teenagers. According to Google, people between the ages of 18 and 24 have the greatest satisfaction ratings because they tend to ask questions more conversationally.

Closing Note

Google is launching a new tool to provide users with additional information about the content they see in addition to exposing the AI search experience to adolescents.


The business is enhancing the AI search experience by including an “About this result” notification. Additionally, this feature was present in the default Google Search experience. 

Also Read:

According to Google, the alerts will explain how SGE produced the response so that consumers can better understand how the technology functions.

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