Spotify Added New Transcription Feature for Podcast


Spotify has enabled a new auto-generated transcripts function. In addition, it will allow users to read along with podcasts. The new transcripts feature will be available for millions of podcast episodes in the coming weeks. 

About the New Feature of Spotify

Users of the app, free and premium, will be able to access the new transcription function. They have to select the read-along section located beneath the podcast player and follow along on a full screen.


“We’re launching auto-generated and time-synced transcripts to more creators. In addition, so you can read along with an episode, making the transcripts more visually and textually accessible,” Spotify noted in a blog post about the new feature. Follow along in full screen while listening to an episode by scrolling down the Now Playing View until you reach the transcript, then tap the card.

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Other Features 

Spotify introduced another significant feature for podcast listeners on mobile devices. The business is launching the Podcast Chapters feature. Additionally, it will let users of mobile devices skip ahead in an episode to a certain topic or segment. Users can access the complete list of chapters of a podcast by scrolling down the Now Playing access section.


Users will have “more control over their listening sessions” and “more information about every episode as they dive in,” according to Spotify’s description of Podcast Chapters.

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